Triple Your Sales Conversions Challenge

New AI Included!

Attention Business Owners! Ignite your business success with our 1-Day Challenge! Unveil the timeless strategies for 3x more conversions, and gain access to a low-cost, high-reward method that will leave your competitors in the dust.

By Michael Gerber

"The Ultimate Sales Machine [is] a book that puts it all together to help you dramatically increase your sales if you are wise enough to follow its advice." 
Triple Your Sales Conversions Challenge

New AI Included!

Attention Business Owners!  Ignite your business success with our 1-Day Challenge! Unveil the timeless strategies for 3x more conversions, and gain access to a low-cost, high-reward method that will leave your competitors in the dust.

Complimentary challenge starts in:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Join the Challenge

& Get Access to...

Become the #1 Logical Choice In Your Market

You will learn how to reverse engineer your sales pitch so you’re the #1 logical choice.
**Templates included**

Training Catered To Get You Results

2 days of live, actionable training catered to get you results as soon as possible!

Get Your Questions Answered

We’re not robots or courses, this is live conversation to get your questions answered

 Connect With Other Business Leaders

Networking opportunities to connect with other Business Leaders across all industries around the world

Become the #1 Logical Choice In Your Market

You will learn how to reverse engineer your sales pitch so you’re the #1 logical choice.
**Templates included**

Training Catered To Get You Results

3 days of live, actionable training catered to get you results as soon as possible!

Get Your Questions Answered

We’re not robots or courses, this is live conversation to get your questions answered

 Connect With Other Business Leaders

Networking opportunities to connect with other Business Leaders across all industries around the world

Why you're wasting 90% of your time, money, and effort


You are leaving money on the table every single day due to poor messaging...

At any given time, when you market and sell only 3% of the marketplace is interested in buying, 7% are open to it, and 90% aren’t thinking about you!

Most companies only focus on the 3% that are buying now, but the opportunity to capitalize on the 7% that are open to it, is an untapped market.

This is where content marketing has gone wrong!

Businesses have started producing heaps of content, marketing messages, while forgetting how to turn that content into SALES.

For example, the average B2B buyer will look at 5 pieces of content on your website before ever deciding to reach out to a salesperson.

(And B2C buyers spend even more time researching online!)

Will your prospects like what they see?

Do you have the most captivating messaging that leads them directly to you as the only choice in the marketplace and nobody else?

Large Call to Action Headline

Large Call to Action Headline

Business Owners

Business Owners Who Crushed It With Sales Conversions

Pablo Gonzalez

55 leads within the first 24 hours

Pablo Gonzalez generated 55 leads within the first 24 hours of learning this Core Story secret.
Troy Aberle

$8 million in 2 weeks

Troy Aberle Sold $8 million in 2 weeks after learning the Core Story methods for messaging.
Johann Nogueira

From 5% of sales conversations to 80%

Johann Nogueira went from converting 5% of sales conversations to 80% within 30 days!
  • Discover the one technique that has consistently doubled sales, and the best part? It won't cost you a dime to implement! Prepare to revolutionize your approach and witness remarkable results as you apply this timeless strategy to your marketing and sales efforts.
  • ​Step-by-step learn the nitty-gritty details to land the BEST clients and elevate your business success to unprecedented levels.
  • Win over 7x more prospects using cutting-edge techniques that will have them flocking to you. You'll lock out your competitors with tactical brilliance, and your closing ratio will soar to unheard-of heights!
  • Refine your approach to captivate your prospects like a magnet, effortlessly converting them into loyal customers. Bid farewell to "content" and hello to sales-generating conversations that fuel your success. Brace yourself for a flood of appointments and more sales than you ever imagined possible! 


How to 

Position yourself as the ultimate choice for your prospects and train them to choose you over anyone else

 Unleash Your Sales-Boosting Arsenal

Using the one strategy that consistently doubles sales, get the BEST clients step-by-step, and outshine your competition

Want to have more compelling messaging in every step of your marketing and sales process?

This isn’t about making 3x more cold calls, or spending 3x the amount on ads.

This is about converting 3x more from the leads and appointments you’re already getting so you’re getting more money from the moves you’re already making.

This program isn’t niched into one format that may come and go.

This is agnostic and can be applied to all of your marketing and sales efforts whether it’s ads, cold calling, sales appointments, blogs, and more.

The strategy is timeless and so is the messaging. It’s only the tactical implementations that change.

801 W Bay Dr #215, Largo, FL 33770